SiteGiant Pre-Onboarding: Fundamental 1. Introduction2. Activate SiteGiant Account3. Integrate Sales Channel4. Understand SKU And Parent SKU5. Perform Mass Update6. Understand Multi-Listing Product And...
SiteGiant Onboarding 1: Inventory 1. Introduction2. Understand Items, Kits, iSKU And Parent iSKU3. Perform Bulk Inventory Linking4. Create Kit (If Only You Have Combo...
SiteGiant Onboarding 2: Order Processing 1. Introduction2. Configure Shipping Label Settings3. Order Processing – Marketplaces4. Order Processing – Webstore And Others 1. Introduction Order Processing...
SiteGiant Onboarding 3: Order Processing Tools 1. Introduction2. Order Fulfillment Assistant3. Carrier Manifest4. Marketplace Order Return Management 1. Introduction After the order is processed, there still...
SiteGiant Onboarding 4: Product 1. Introduction2. Add And Update Product3. Marketplace Category Mapping4. Bulk Copy Listing5. Master SKU6. Marketplace Pricing Management 1. Introduction In...
How To Start Your Online Webstore 1. Introduction2. Add Webstore Sales Channel3. Create Webstore Product4. Set Up Payment Method5. Set Up Shipping Method6. Manage Webstore Layout7....
Role Play As Customer In Webstore 1. Introduction2. Place A Test Order3. Manage Test Order 1. Introduction Once you have completed the online webstore setup, you...
How To Integrate With SiteGiant POS 1. Introduction2. Set Up SiteGiant POS For The First Time3. Add Additional SiteGiant POS Channel4. Set Up SiteGiant POS Preferences5....
How To Setup Redirect URLs Link 1. Introduction2. Setup Redirect URLs Link 1. Introduction You have decided to switch your current domain from Unicart to SiteGiant...