1. Customers
  2. How To Bulk Create Customer (Batch Create)

How To Bulk Create Customer (Batch Create)

1. Introduction
2. Create Customer With Excel

1. Introduction

Got a lot of customer details to upload?
No need to worry! With the Batch Create upload feature, you can quickly upload all customer details in bulk, saving you from the hassle of updating them one by one. This not only simplifies the process but also saves you valuable time.

2. Create Customer With Excel

Step 1: Navigate to Customers on the sidebar menu > click Bulk Tools > Batch Create.

Step 2: Click the Download button to obtain the Excel file template for updates.

Step 3: Fill up the customer’s details field correctly.

📌Note: Column with*isrequired.

Sample Data
*firstnameFirst name of the customerMaryam
*lastnameLast name of the customerYusry
*emailUnique email address. It is used to represent each of the customers so it cannot be updated and removed.maryamyusry@email.com
phoneValid contact number0123456789
faxValid fax number031234567
birthdateDate of birthday2018-03-25 (YYYY-MM-DD)
*genderCustomer’s gendermale OR female
*customer_groupRelated customer groupDefault
membership_tierRelated membershipVIP
firstname (address)First name of the customer under address infoMaryam
lastname (address)Last name of the customer under address infoYusry
companyCompany nameABC Company
company_idCompany registration ID12345-M
tax_idTax identification number (TIN)C20880050010
phone (address)Contact number under address info0123456789
address1Customer address1, Support Team, Jalan Support
address2Alternative addressTanjung Tokong
cityCity of the addressBayan Lepas
stateState of the addressPulau Pinang
countryCountry of the addressMalaysia
postal_codePostcode of the address10470

Step 4: Back to Batch Create Tool page > click Upload > Add file from your computer > Next.

Step 5: If there are any errors in the Excel uploaded, you will see the error message in Errors and Warnings and it will show the error column in the Data Preview. Amend the error column and reupload the file. Click on Proceed if the file uploaded does not have errors.

Step 6: When the Progress status turn to green, means that the data is completely update.

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