1. Introduction
2. Configure Shipping Label Settings
3. Order Processing – Marketplaces
4. Order Processing – Webstore And Others
1. Introduction
Order Processing is a crucial aspect of your business operations, and mastering it is essential for achieving customer satisfaction and maximizing revenue. This guide will walk you through the entire order processing cycle, from the order receipt to final delivery. Let’s get started and unlock the power of seamless order processing in our system!
2. Configure Shipping Label Settings
Step 1: Navigate to Orders > All Orders, all of your orders from marketplaces will be synced and listed on this page. Click on the Order Processing button to configure the Shipping Label Settings.
⚠️Important: Please make sure to follow through this tutorial here to complete your Shipping Label Settings configuration for the first time before proceeding to the next step.
3. Order Processing – Marketplaces
Step 1: Before you start to process the orders in SiteGiant ERP, you are required to move the orders that have been fulfilled in Seller Center from Pending / To Process to Printed tab to avoid double printing.
Step 2: All orders synced into SiteGiant ERP will be shown under the Pending section > To Arrange tab. Select the order(s) you wish to arrange > click on the Arrange Shipment button.
📌Note: You can arrange orders from different marketplaces together at the same time.
Step 3: For Shopee and PGMall orders, if your Arrange Shipment Method is set as Manual Select, you will need to choose whether by Dropoff or Pickup > Continue.
Step 4: The order will move to In Queue tab to process, then auto move to the To Process section > Processing tab > Updating tab and finally to the To Print tab. The order status will change to Processed and a tracking number is generated.
Step 5: You may print the Pick List before printing out the shipping label. (optional)
Step 6: Bulk Print shipping labels need to perform by each marketplace. Select 1 marketplace > select order(s) > click on the Bulk Print button.
Step 7: Wait for the shipping label preview to load > click the Print button to print out the shipping label.
Step 8: All the printed orders will move to the Printed tab with a green tick once you refresh the page.
Step 9: For Lazada orders set to Packed status, you will need to set the order to Pending Pickup once the orders are done with the packing process.
Step 10: Lazada orders are now updated to Ready to Ship status.
📌Note: If you did not Set Pending Pickup, the courier company would not be able to scan the parcel as the status is not Ready to Ship.
Step 11: Once the courier company picks up or receives the parcel from your dropoff, they will scan it. The order status will update to Shipped and automatically move to the Shipped tab.
4. Order Processing – Webstore And Others
Step 1: Select Webstore and others > new orders will be synced to the Pending section > To Arrange tab.
Step 2: Select the orders(s) you want to arrange with the same courier service > click on the Select Courier button to assign the courier service you integrated.
Step 3: Select the courier service > Continue.
Step 4: Select the order(s) with the same courier service > Arrange Shipment > choose whether by Dropoff or Pickup with the delivery date and time etc. > Continue.
Step 5: Similar to Marketplaces Order Processing, the order will move to the To Print tab once it is successfully processed. The tracking number will be generated and updated to Seller Center. You may print the Pick List before printing the shipping label. Bulk Print shipping labels need to perform by each marketplace. Select 1 marketplace > select order(s) > click on the Bulk Print button.
Step 6: Print out the shipping label and refresh the page, the printed orders will move to the Printed tab with a green tick.