1. Apps : Accounting
  2. How To Sync SQL Purchase Order

How To Sync SQL Purchase Order

1. Introduction
2. Sync Purchase Order From SQL Software
3. Update Purchase Order From SiteGiant SQL System
4. Update Goods Receive Status To SQL Software

1. Introduction

Purchase orders specify the goods to be acquired, their quantities, costs, and the conditions of the procurement agreement, making them essential documents for business operations. Through the use of the SiteGiant SQL system, purchase orders can be easily updated within the software and synced with the SiteGiant system. Upon receipt of the stock, it can be promptly updated in the SQL software, reducing the need for duplicate updates on different platforms.

This feature is only available in the SiteGiant ERP Add-On App.

2. Sync Purchase Order From SQL Software

Step 1: Log into your SiteGiant SQL Sync system after generating a purchase order in SQL software.

📌Note: SiteGiant SQL Sync system login credential is the same as your SiteGiant ERP.

Step 2: Select Purchase Order.

Step 3: Click on the Refresh button to retrieve the purchase order that has been created in the SQL software.

Step 4: Tick the related Purchase Order > click Sync > Select Company > click Sync again.

3. Update Purchase Order From SiteGiant SQL System

Step 1: The updated Purchase Order details in SQL will be visible under the Unsynced Tab > click the Sync button to create the Purchase Order in SiteGiant.

Step 2: The order will be moved to the Synced tab. Then, the Incomplete Purchase Order will be created on SiteGiant’s Purchase Order app.

📌Note: You can click the Update button if you have amended new details in the SQL software Purchase Order page.

Step 3: Once you have updated the Purchase Order status to Completed, the status in SQL will change to Completed as well.

💡Tips: Learn more on How To Update Purchase Order

4. Update Goods Receive Status To SQL Software

Step 1: Log in to your SiteGiant SQL Sync system > click Task.

Step 2: Tick related Task > click Sync.

Step 3: Once the syncing to SQL software is successful, you will see Goods Received Status change to Completed.

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