1. Introduction
2. Set Up Senheng Malaysia Integration
1. Introduction
Senheng Malaysia is a comprehensive platform that offers customers a wide range of products and services while earning and redeeming rewards points. It connects buyers with exclusive deals and promotions, making it easier for businesses to reach customers across Malaysia.
📌Note: Before starting, make sure you have signed up for a seller center with Senheng Malaysia. If you do not have a seller center yet, may proceed with the sign-up here.
2. Set Up Senheng Malaysia Integration
Step 1: Log in to your SiteGiant Seller Center > add [+] channels > choose Senheng App.

Step 2: Enter Channel Name, App Key and App Secret > click Connect.

You have now successfully integrated your Senheng MY with SiteGiant!
📌Note: Your existing products in the Senheng Seller Center will be synced back to SiteGiant’s SenhengMY Listing automatically.