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  1. Inventory
  2. How To Edit Inventory Item With Excel (Batch Edit)

How To Edit Inventory Item With Excel (Batch Edit)

1. Introduction
2. Edit Inventory Item With Excel

1. Introduction

This feature allows you to edit inventory information and details in bulk and upload the Excel file so that you don’t have to edit the inventory one by one.

2. Edit Inventory Item With Excel

Step 1: Navigate to Inventory > All Inventory Items.

Step 2: Click on Bulk Tools > choose Batch Edit.

Step 3: Under download, select info type as Basic Info > you can choose to filter by category or brands > Generate.

Step 4: Download the generated excel file (zipped).

Step 5: Modify the item details in the excel file > Save.

?Note: Column with * is Not Editable.

ColumnDescriptionSample Data
nameItem nameNatural Lipstick
*ISKU Item SKUnatural-lipstick
*is_kitIdentify whether the item is an individual item or bundle kitno: item
yes: kit
pricePrice of the item220
*stock_on_handStock that you currently have on hand100
*sellable_stockStock that is sellable to the sales channels99
costCost of the item79
length(Dimension) Length of the item2
width(Dimension) Width of the item2
height(Dimension) Height of the item5
weightWeight of the item1
volumetric_weightDimentional weight of your item0.02
weight_unitWeight measurementg / kg / oz / lb
safety_stockThe minimum amount of stock which considered in low quantity10
lead_timeThe number of days needed to restock your items7
parent_iSKUThe parent iSKU for item groupingnatural-lipstick
categoryItem categoryLipsticks
brandItem brandYSL
UPCItem Universal Product Code1022532015
stock_statusThe stock availability statusavailable / out_of_stock

Step 6: Back to SiteGiant Batch Edit Upload page > upload the Excel file > Next.

Step 7: If there are any errors in the Excel uploaded, you will see the error message in Errors and Warnings and it will show the error column in the Data Preview. Amend the error column and reupload the file. Click on Proceed if the file uploaded does not have errors.

Step 8: Click Done to complete the process

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