Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [label] => Home [link] => [title] => Home [type] => blog_home ) [1] => Array ( [label] => Apps : Webstore [link] => [title] => View all posts in Apps : Webstore [type] => kb_tax ) [2] => Array ( [label] => How To Set Up Your Own Affiliate Program [link] => [title] => How To Set Up Your Own Affiliate Program [type] => kb_current_page ) ) )
  1. Apps : Webstore
  2. How To Set Up Your Own Affiliate Program

How To Set Up Your Own Affiliate Program

1. Introduction
2. Set Up Affiliate Settings
3. Register Affiliate Account (From Affiliate Perspective)
4. Approve Affiliate
5. Obtain Affiliate Tracking Code (From Affiliate Perspective)
6. Earn Affiliate Commission
7. Make Commission Settlement
8. Check Commission Balance (From Affiliate Perspective)

1. Introduction

Want to increase sales through the power of networking? Affiliate Program enables affiliates to promote your webstore and earn commission based on orders made by their customers.

This feature is only available in SiteGiant ERP Value Plus Plan and above.

2. Set Up Affiliate Settings

Step 1: Navigate to Apps > Webstore > Affiliate Program.

Step 2: Click on the Settings button on the top right.

Step 3: Enable the Status to activate Affiliate Program > configure the affiliate program settings and description > Save.

1. Login Status: Enable or disable the affiliate to login in webstore.

2. Register Status: Enable or disable affiliate to register an affiliate account in webstore.

3. Affiliate Terms: The terms and conditions which will be agreed upon by affiliates before they sign up as an affiliate.

4. Affiliate Commission: Percentage will be earned by the affiliate from the order total.

5. Affiliate Description: Brief introduction about the Affiliate Program.

?Note: For Affiliate Terms, you will have to create a page on Webstore > Pages. Learn more on How To Create Pages.

3. Register Affiliate Account (From Affiliate Perspective)

Step 1: On the webstore homepage, click on the profile icon at the top right.

Step 2: Click on Login as Affiliate.

Step 3: As a new affiliate, click on Register Here to register an affiliate account.

Step 4: Fill in the affiliate registration form > by registering, the affiliate will be agreeing with the Affiliate Terms and click Continue to complete the registration.

Step 5: A system notification will be sent to the affiliate’s email address to notify them that the account must be approved before they can log in.

4. Approve Affiliate

Step 1: When a new affiliate is registered, you as the owner of the webstore will also receive a system notification that an affiliate account has been requested.

Step 2: Navigate to the Affiliate Program app > select the Affiliate > click on Approve Affiliate > enable the Status.

5. Obtain Affiliate Tracking Code (From Affiliate Perspective)

Step 1: The affiliate will receive a system notification that the affiliate account has been activated.

Step 2: Once login into the affiliate account > navigate to the profile icon > click on Tracking Code.

Step 3: Affiliates can click on Copy Link to copy the tracking link and use it to promote the webstore.

6. Earn Affiliate Commission

Step 1: When the affiliate’s customers place the order using the tracking code, the amount of the affiliate commission earned will be stated under the Order Details section.

Step 2: On the Affiliate Detail page, the transaction would be in Pending Issued status.

Step 3: When the order is fulfilled and in Completed status, the Affiliate Commission will be auto-credited to the affiliate account.

7. Make Commission Settlement

Step 1: You may get the payment details that you supported from the affiliate and record them in the Remarks.

Step 2: After issuing payment to the affiliate, click on + Add Transaction under the Transaction History section.

Step 3: Enter the Description > Choose Pay and enter the amount > Confirm.

Step 4: The transaction will be recorded under Paid status and the balance will be updated.

8. Check Commission Balance (From Affiliate Perspective)

Step 1: Click on Profile icon > Affiliate Account > Transaction History, the affiliate can view the commission earned and paid.

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